Westcoast Weekend
Westcoast with Jake Haning
October 22-23, 2016
-Saturday Oct. 22nd-
10:00 am - Creating a technical base for the weekend part 1 - Poise, Posture, Head weight, Connection, Anchors,
11:00 am - Creating a technical base for the weekend part 2 - Body movement on anchors, spins and turns, rolling through feet, tripples, hooks and crosses, footwork styling, rhythm changes.
12:00 pm - Break for Lunch
1:00 pm - Rock and Go - Learn how to splice patterns together to create more movement, energy, and complex patterns.
2:00 pm - Shaping and Styling - Add dynamics into your dancing in a way that allows you to have specific things to apply and access to creating your own styling.
3:00 pm - Performance State Workshop - Retrain your brain. The dance doesn’t make the dancer, the dancer makes the dance. You can’t change what you are doing with the same way of thinking. Take control of your turbo brain before dancing.
4:00 pm - Break for Dinner
8:00 pm - Beginner West Coast Swing Lesson
9:00 pm - Open West Coast Swing Dance
12:00 am - Dance Ends
-Sunday Oct. 23rd-
10:00 am - Macro-musicality - How the songs are structured and why that important for leaders and followers. Gain access to one of the best ways to learn and improve your musicality and expression.
1:00 am - Micro-Musicality - Learn to apply everything we have worked on to really expand your enjoyment and expression while dancing with anyone. Will focus on song specific musicality.
12:00 pm - Break for Lunch
1:00 pm - Partner Movement - Add more cooperation to your dancing to increase the enjoyment. The secret to those good dances where your partner says "that was a lot of fun"
2:00 pm - Mock JnJ - We will hold a mock Jack and Jill and based off the numbers even have instant feedback and application.
3:00 pm - Critique and review - a companion course to the mock Jack and Jill we will cover different critiques of couples as they volunteer and how to apply them. Also, a review of the weekend.
4:00 pm - Break for Dinner
8:00 pm - Beginner West Coast Swing Lesson
9:00 pm - Open West Coast Swing Dance
12:00 am - Dance Ends
Jake Haning is a young, enthusiastic, creative dance instructor specializing in West Coast Swing & ballroom dancing. He started learning how to dance 20 years ago, & he has since found his passion in competing & teaching others. With a strong focus on technique & willingness to share his talents & experience, Jake has taught all over the United States, England, France, & Australia.
By implementing the principles of musicality, he facilitates the natural desire for movement & expression through dance which he believes can fulfill in others the desire for challenge, growth, & freedom.
Junior DVIDA Certified.
GPDIA Instructor Certified West Coast Swing
5th Classic at US Open 2009
1st NASDE tour 2010
1st Sophisticated jnj Palm Springs
2nd Sophisticated SS Palm Springs
1st All-Star jnj Palm Springs
1st All-Star jnj Swingtime in the Rockies
2nd All-Star SS Swingtime in the Rockies
2nd All-Star SS Liberty Swing
1st Sophisticated SS Liberty Swing
2nd Sophisticated jnj Liberty Swing
2nd All-Star SS Swing Diego
Champion SS Finals 5280
Champion JnJ Finals 5280
3rd All-Star JnJ The Challenge
1st All-Star SS The Challenge
4th All-Star JnJ Philly Swing
1st All-Star JnJ Dallas Dance
3rd All-Star JnJ Summer Hummer
1st Open JnJ Austin Rocks
5th Showcase Liberty Swing
2nd All-Star JnJ Liberty Swing
For more information about Jake visit: